Production and Distribution of Fine Wares in the Adriatic Region from 3rd to 7th century

Production and Distribution of Fine Wares in the Adriatic Region from 3rd to 7th century Workshop, Munich – May 6th 2017 9.00-9.10: Salvatore Ortisi, Welcome 9.10-9.30: Enrico Cirelli, Introduction 9.30-10.00: Michael Mackensen, Late Roman stamp-decorated and/or relief-decorated African red slip ware from the main central Tunisian production centres 10.15-10.45: Roberto Goffredo, Carlo De Mitri, Fine wares in late Roman Apulia: the coastal and inland evidence 11.00-11.30: Coffee break 11.30-12.00: Kristina Jelinčić Vučković, Distribution of late Roman fine wares in southern Dalmatia 12.15-12.45: Igor Borzić, Mladen Pešić, Late Roman fine wares…

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