Incontri tardoantichi a Roma (ITAR) – Ecole française de Rome

Incontri tardoantichi a Roma (ITAR)  Angelo CASTRORAO BARBA – Università dì Siena Riusi e trasformazioni delle ville romane in Italia tra Ili e VII/VIli secolo: approccio statistico da una schedatura dei contesti editi Carla SFAMENI – Istituto dl Studi sul Medìterraneo Antico (ISMA) CNR Il CISEM e l’archeologia delle ville residenziali in Italia: nuovi dati e prospettive di ricerca Riccardo SANTANGELl VALENZANI – Unlversita degli Studì Roma Tre Abitare a Roma nell’altomedioevo: uso degli spazi e funzioni sociali 21 janvier 2014 Ecole française de Rome, piazza Navona 62, 16 h 30

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3rd International Mortar Dating Workshop

In keeping with the tradition of the previous two workshops held in Turku/Aland (Finland, 2010) and in Mallorca (Spain, 2012), the 3rd Mortar Dating Workshop to be held in Padova in 2014 wishes to offer a dynamic forum to the scientific community working on historical mortar and plaster dating. It is expected that the leading groups in the field will summarize the results carried out by the method of 14C dating in the last decades, offering a systematic overview of the existing methods and protocols of analysis. Ample space will…

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