Byzantine church unearthed in northern Turkey

Byzantine church unearthed in northern Turkey. Ongoing excavation works in the northern Anatolian province of Tokat’s ancient Greek city of Komana Pontika have unearthed a church that is estimated to date back to between the 10th and 12th centuries.  “This place will make Tokat a unique city but we have to be patient because it is a very delicate and detailed work,” said Tokat Gov. Mustafa Taşkesen during a visit to the ancient city. The head of the excavations, Professor Burcu Erciyas of Middle East Technical University (ODTÜ) said works…

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Valuable findings of Polish archaeologists in Sudan

Polish archaeologists in al-Ghazali in Northern Sudan discovered a unique church in Byzantine monastic architecture, a large number of fragments of funerary stelae and inscribed vessels. They also verified the current knowledge of this medieval pilgrimage centre. The researchers prepared an extensive documentation in the form of geophysical prospecting, several thousand photographic kite photographs, which allowed to prepare an orthophotomap, which is a set of photographs taken from the air and adjusted to the scale and geographic coordinates. The scope of the project included the monastery, village and the adjacent…

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Chi etano, cosa sono stati e cosa facevano. Identità e archeologia funeraria tra i secoli V e VIII

El objetivo de este seminario internacional es el de hacer un balance crítico de los estudios que se están realizando en los últimos años en torno a la arqueología funeraria de los siglos V y VIII en la Península Ibérica, que ponen en cuestión algunos de los enfoques  tradicionales. Son varios los factores que han determinado este proceso de renovación: (a) el desarrollo de la arqueología preventiva, que ha sacado a la luz un ingente número de yacimientos y, especialmente, una inesperada variedad de realidades funerarias que superan las clasificaciones…

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Dal dato all’interpretazione storica. Uno sguardo interdisciplinare dal medievismo

Seminarios ‘Del dato a la interpretación histórica. Una mirada interdisciplinar desde el medievalismo’, Vitoria-Gasteiz, septiembre-diciembre 2013 scarica il programma

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